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LangSmith Setup Guide

This guide will walk you through the steps to get started with LangSmith.

Create an account

To get started with LangSmith, you need to create an account. You can sign up for a free account here. We support logging in with Google, GitHub, Discord, and email.

Create an organization

When you log in for the first time, a personal tenant will be created for you automatically. If you'd like to collaborate with others, you can create an organizational and invite your team members to join.

To do this, head to the setting pages and click Create Organization. You can currently invite 4 members to your organization for free.


We'll soon be charging for additional seats and usage. Please see the pricing page for more information.

Create an API key

To log traces and run evaluations with LangSmith, you will need to create an API key to authenticate your requests. Currently, an API key is scoped to a tenant (either Personal or Organizational), so you will need to create an API key for each tenant you want to use.

To create an API key head to the setting pages, then scroll to the API Keys section. Then click Create API Key.


The API key will be shown only once, so make sure to copy it and store it in a safe place.

Install the LangSmith library

To use LangSmith in your project, you will need to install the LangSmith library. We currently support Python and JavaScript.


pip install langsmith


npm install langsmith


yarn add langsmith

You can also leverage the LangSmith API directly if you prefer not to use the library or are using a different language.

Log a trace or run an evaluation

Now that you have an API key and the LangSmith library installed, you can start logging traces and running evaluations. Check out the tracing quick start and the evaluation quick start for more information.


How do I migrate projects between organizations?

Currently we do not support project migration betwen organizations. While you can manually imitate this by reading and writing runs and datasets using the SDK (see the querying runs and traces guide here), it will be fastest to create a new project within your organization and go from there.

Why aren't my runs aren't showing up in my project?

If you aren't seeing any warnings when running your application, it may be that you are still using an API key from your "personal" organization. Check your most recent runs there to confirm by selecting your Personal tenant in the settings page and then viewing your projects.

If you're still running into issues, please reach out to us at

My team deals with sensitive data that cannot be logged. How can I ensure that only my team can access it?

If you are interested in a private deployment of LangSmith or if you need to self-host, please reach out to us at Self-hosting LangSmith requires an annual enterprise license that also comes with support and formalized access to the LangChain team.

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